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The life of a porn addicted housewife.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Traveling With Cats 

Well, Tippy, Tiggy, and I made it to Ohio in one piece. We dealt with screaming, clawing, and major barfage for a few hundred miles, but then they settled down. Until one of them decided to poop in the cage. Now that was not pleasant! I had to drive 10 miles before there was an exit to get off of so I could clean the cage out. STINKY!!! Once that was taken care of they were pretty calm the rest of the way here.
They did perk up every time we went through an area that smelled like it had something dead in it. The skunk smell made Tippy jump right up and he tried to shove his face through the cage door.They are all tucked in to the new house by themselves now because of course the hotel won’t allow them in the room. Tiggy handled the drive and the new house much better than Tippy. Poor Tippy had never even been out of the house before. His whole world was just a few rooms. Tiggy has been in and out her whole life so at least she new what the outside even was. They seem to be ok in the new house. I am sure they will be happier when it has some furniture in it though.

Speaking of furniture, we went spend happy today. I got a new washing machine and refrigerator, a new 42” Sony WEGA, and a cherry wood and black glass TV stand with matching audio stand.
The washer and fridge will be delivered Thursday and the TV and stands will be delivered Saturday. By Sunday I will have all of my stuff and I should have a good start at putting it all where it goes. I still need to buy a vacuum cleaner, a broom and dust pan, a microwave and stand, stuff like that.

So much to do, so much to see, so fun!
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